Simple Supported Beam Formulas with Bending and Shear Force Diagrams

 Simple Supported Beam Formulas

L = length of Beam, ft.
l = length of Beam, in.
I = Moment of inertia, in4
E = Modulus of elasticity, psi.
M = Maximum bending moment, in.-lbs.
V = Shear force, lbs.
R = Reaction load at bending point, lbs.
P = Total concentrated load, lbs.
w = Load per unit length, lbs./in.
W = Total uniform load, lbs.
x = Horizontal distance from reaction to point on bead, in.
∆ = Deflection or deformation, in.

Simple Supported Beam Formulas with Bending and Shear Force Diagrams:

1.   Equally Distributed Load 

Simple Beam Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

2.   Equally Load Partially Distributed

Simple Beam Uniform Load Partially Distributed  3.    Equal Load Partially Distributed at One End

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

 4.   Equal Load Partially Distributed at Each End

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

  5.   Load Increasing Equally at One End

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

6.   Load Increasing Regular to Center 

Shear Force and Bending Moment

7.    Point Load at Center

Shear Force and Bending Moment

8.    Point Load at any Point

Shear and Moment Diagrams

9.       Two Equal Symmetrically Placed Point Load

Shear Force Diagrams

10.       Two Equal Point Load Unsymmetrical Placed

Bending Moment Diagrams

11.       Two Unequal Point Load Unsymmetrical Placed

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

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